At the end of September our small National Platform was held in the historical town of Olomouc. At our
small NP we mainly talked about new partnerships, improving quality of our sections and we’ve heard
some regulatory proposals On top of it, we have voted upon the OC of the next BIG NP. Do you want to
know more about all those exciting deals and proposals? Keep reading!
We started on Friday with Scavenger Hunt in the UNESCO site
1. The main topics of this National Platform:
We made amazing deals with several companies!!!
The NP agreed on starting partnerships with Eurolines, Vodafone and Bohemian Hostels. All deals are
very beneficial and will play a major role in ensuring future incomes to the Budget of ESN CZ. Currently,
we’re negotiating about possible financial support of our events, such as National Platforms. I’ll be glad
to specify you the agreements upon request.
Oh, you though our visual reports are great? Let’s take it to the new level: a video of the partner
presentation. In the link below you’ll find an amazing and hilarious way Mr. Mathias Schwender
presented their hostels.
Progress in the grant of our NA
Last time, I have informed you that we got an amazing, record high grant from our National Agency
(NAEP – National Agency for European Programmes). We proceeded and this time we talked about the
progress, what has changed and we tried to facilitate the contact between NA and our sections.
Fortunately, we’ve managed to dispel all fears and give answers to all questions :)
“Volunteers are not paid – not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless.”
New project We Care, We Act, We Volunteer
ESN CZ became a partner organisation of the project called “We Act, We Care, We Volunteer”. It belongs
to the European Commission Programme “Europe for Citizens” which seeks to contribute to citizens'
understanding of the Union, its history and diversity; and to foster European citizenship and improve
conditions for civic and democratic participation at Union level. Specific objectives include raising
awareness of remembrance, common history and values of the European Union's aim that is to promote
peace, its values and the well-being of its people by stimulating debate, reflection and development of
Therefore, we introduced to our network what means to be a part of this exciting project. We’re just
going through the application process, so wish us a good luck so we get it approved! Hopefully, it will all
work out well and you will hear more about it soon. Read more about it here.
Cooperation with Poland and Lithuania
I presented the progress we made in fostering our partnership with our neighbours and briefly
introduced our future plans. We will work on all 3 levels: International, National and Local. It seems to
be very promising! The reactions were generally positive and we simply can’t wait to do more with our
Polish, Lithuanian and Slovak friends :)
'I’m not telling you it is going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.’
We elected the OC for the next BIG National Platform
The next BIG NP will take place in Litomyšl and it will be really REALLY big. More updates soon, but be
sure this time we have a lot of spots for international guests, so get ready, boys and girls!
2. Agenda
We had more relaxed agenda this time; we talked more about strategy and upcoming year (being
inspired by the International level)
Vice President Tasks – The task list of the newly established position has been extended and we had a
discussion about other possible tasks to add.
Presentations & Projects – we presented most of the projects we’re participating in, therefore we
talked about STORY conference, SocialErasmus Meeting (and upcoming SE Week), possibilities of a
trainee or employee of ESN CZ. Also, Mike (our Partnership Manager) presented partnership strategy. In
addition, we presented results of the NB feedback. We strongly encourage all NBs to organise a
feedback round (using Google forms or other tools ensuring anonymity) during your mandate. We got
some interesting results and we will definitely work on improving ourselves.
Updates & Reports– such as National Board updates, CNR porto report, Eduk8 T4T, Web screening and
we officially launched our new website. From now on, you can read more about ESN CZ on the website
running on the latest version of Satellite :) You can CZECH IT here:
CEP Ostrava 2014 – Mirka, the Head of OC, presented the latest updates on organisation of the
upcoming regional platform. It all sounds awesome, we can’t wait till October!
Extra programme – OC did an awesome job, the social programme was well balanced and winners of
the Scavenger Hunts got an impressive award: free sightseeing flights above the city! #fundraising
Our 4th National Platform of ESN CZ this year was a great success. We continue working in a great
synergy with our Local Representatives; our National Platforms are chilled, yet very productive. I’m very
glad every time I write to you about our amazing NPs. It’s really an honour to represent this country!
P.S: Eat your veggies and you’ll be as cool as our Partnership Manager Mike Gloger!
Author: Jan Lukačevič
more pictures soon in the attachment!!!
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